Just a few dozen words turned out to be enough to see two incense, which also made Liu Shi’s face change back and forth with anxiety and surprise.

Anxiety is that the other party is so slow to read the master plan.
The surprise is that the other party is so heart-felt and so dignified. Nine times out of ten, this business can be negotiated.
"Well …"
After reading the last word, Zhou Jia’s face was thoughtfully slow.
"This is a great job!"
His current practice and vision, even if it is Xiaolangdi’s three skills and six methods, may not be eye-catching. The word "get" is already highly praised.
Few people are better than him.
This major is not essence and spirit, but qi in the three treasures.
of course
This Liu Shi naturally don’t know smell speech is a loose heart.
The sale is done!
"How about it?" His head is slightly raised.
"I have a good practice, right? How much is the store going to pay?"
"This work is extraordinary" Zhou Jiakou
"Being absorbed in the Tao and being absorbed in the mind is unique among many’ Qi’ exercises I have seen."
"But …"
He looked at each other’s way
"Your hand should be half-rolled, right?"
"How do you know?" Liu Shi was a fierce step back to cover his chest volume.
He does have half a volume.
But the other party can guess by reading a general outline, which greatly surprised him. Did you meet an expert?
"Very simple" Zhou Jia does not hide it.
"This work has a very high intention, and it involves the practice of silver and other steps, but there are some things that people have lost in their words."
"Look at the volume in front of you with a rigorous attitude."
If the author completes the volume, he will definitely modify the master plan and will not be ambiguous.
"Not bad"
Let go of Zhou Jia, the general program, and continue to lie back in the lazy mouth of the chair.
"I can buy ten source crystals."
If he started with the magic tactic, he would definitely choose to practice this skill, but now he can accumulate it as a martial art.
However, it is worth seeing that it involves silver and other orders
"Ten source crystals?" Liu Shi breathed for a while.
Paused his eyes slightly narrowed way
"The shopkeeper is a knowledgeable person, but ten source crystals are 200 less than the true value of this method!"
"Ah …"
Zhou Jia light ah also not much to say directly from the body pulled out a source crystal on the table.
"I think this source crystal is the total reward in your hand. It is worth the price."
Then gently waved.
"Walk slowly and don’t send"
"You …" Liu Shi was a change of eyes flashing tone back and forth is not slow.
"The price is not you to me to talk about it? The store will catch people. If you want, you can make a firm offer. "
"One hundred and ten source crystals?"
He offered to give up twenty source crystals.
"Young man" Zhou Jia’s eye hole is like a wandering object.
"I’m not a businessman and I care about everything. You don’t have to be clever in front of me. Just saying the price is out of the question."
"achievement release method"
"Please leave if you can’t"
"or I’ll catch someone."
And he glanced at each other.
When Liu Shi’s body froze, he felt that he was staring at his heart by a horrible and fierce beast, and suddenly he shrank and a chill went straight to the back of his head.

Seven-color rain army and the people in Shuxin clinic who are hidden in it are not separated from Wentao, but they don’t pay attention to these people’s calculations.

There is a white unicorn among them, and it is also white for them to follow.
Moreover, Wentao also gave them an early order to kill them directly if they were unhappy, and sent an elite team of seven colors of rain to show that the seven colors of rain were severe.
"The owner of Bobo Island will send someone from Kunlun to send back the owner of Haiming Island, and you can take it directly." Since the tsunami doesn’t want to see Haiming, Wentao doesn’t intend to stay here and wait for Kunlun to send Haiming back and explain to Bobo.
"Thank you, Doctor Wen."
At this time, at the edge of the thunder, I saw Wentao flying at his side and rushed to meet him.
"Doctor Wen" thunderclap hands with fuels.
"Just now, after you heard the talk of the real people in Chunyang, six people from each faction competed for six places. Look at this. The Great Kunlun Mountain has no problem with the re-calling of the Ascension Conference. Other sects should also have no problem. I think it is better to let the Shushan Sword Sect decide how to compare it with what you decide."
"Ah …" Thunder didn’t expect things to turn around but let yourself decide how to decide.
"Please also show Mr. Wen." Thunder quickly asked Wentao what to do through the spiritual sound.
Thunder has heard a lot about making decisions like this now. It is safest to ask for instructions directly if you do more and make more mistakes.
"Ah …" Windows did Sarah laugh at herself, which seemed to scare people a lot. The thunder became more cautious, but it saved a lot of trouble.
"If you decide exactly how long after one year, let me know as soon as you decide, but you can look at other things and study them."
"Doctor Wen’s discussion is very good, but the specific situation needs to be discussed together." Thunder knows what to do immediately.
Wentao didn’t say much about flying away from the edge of the Great Kunlun Mountains and seeing what they would do, but even if they didn’t do it, Wentao would take people near the Kunlun Mountains.
From the secular world to Shushan and all the way to Kunlun, there is no one who has sent a route to Chunyang, Tianshou Taoist and Zhang Silent to the border people.
Even communicating with each other through spiritual knowledge is definitely a sequela of heavy blow.
"Now the reputation of the Great Kunlun Mountain has been damaged, and Haiming has also been brought back to the blue sea and the sky to check and balance the chips. Then fighting with the blue sea and the sky has also lost the initiative. Even if we are willing to endure the anger, I’m afraid he won’t forget it so easily." Tianshou also thought of a good way all the way, but he couldn’t think of a good way. The army of seven colors of rain was as heavy as Mount Tai on their heads.
But fortunately, the Emei Sect is gone, and he doesn’t need to be responsible for these things. After all, it can be pushed.
"endure? Ah ….. "Pure Yang reality sneers coldly." This kind of humiliation has never been seen in the history of Kunlun Sect. I promised to release Haiming just to concentrate everything on dealing with Wentao. "
In this respect, Chun Yang is more enterprising than Tianshou and Zhang Yan.
However, this is not pure Yang’s real courage. For example, this is because he attaches great importance to the issue of Kunlun pie. No matter what happens before, even in the secular world, the Emei pie overwhelmed the Kunlun pie a long time ago when talents came forth in some years.
Or is it now that the Sword Sect of Shushan has quickly stirred up and gained the ability of soaring and Du Jie?
However, no one has ever humiliated the Kunlun Sect and made it lose face. This is pure Yang. The real person can’t accept this. He can temporarily give up everything to save the loss of the Kunlun Sect. Honor is more important than everything else.
"The more Wentao intends to render the seven-color rain strong, the more he says that these seven-color rains are not all so strong, some of them are not too strong, but even if they are all as terrible as the tens of thousands we killed before, if recklessly will shake the foundation of the Kunlun Sect, it will not be conducive to the post-development. Now, the sword Sect of Shushan has mastered the soaring Du Jie, and once the foundation of the Kunlun Sect is damaged, they will definitely take the opportunity to rise." Zhang Silent Pure Yang reality will come back to correct the strength recklessly.
"recklessly …" chunyang reality Gherardini meat don’t smile, "if it is recklessly at that time, I wouldn’t compromise with him, and now there are three feasible ways, all of which have the ability to destroy Wentao and Shuxin clinic."
A listen to the real Chunyang said that there is a way to destroy Wentao and Shuxin Clinic. Taoist Tianshou and Zhang Xianran’s eyes are shining.
"The first way is to let Xuanning compete with Wentao or assassinate Xuanning. If Wentao can be killed in the Shuxin clinic, the natural tree will fall apart." Xuanning has long been dissatisfied with Xuanchunyang’s reality.
"This second way is to inform the people of San Xian Gu that San Xian Gu has spoken out and asked if there is an elixir or a panacea. According to some clues I have in the secular world, they suspect that someone has treated someone with a serious injury and that person is their enemy. No one thought of it and dared not contact San Xian Gu easily, but we can contact them and tell them that they are looking for someone who is Wen Tao."
At that time, the news came through a small way-but it was soon ignored.
Because at that time, there was something white and didn’t say much, and the so-called elixir or panacea didn’t exist at that time
Chunyang real person now means it is obvious that Wentao is also, isn’t it?
"I still believe that Xuanning can defeat Wentao, but whether Wentao can fight Xuanning or not. Does he have the chance to fight Wentao alone now is a problem? But it is the best way to deal with Wentao by taking advantage of the scattered fairy valley." Taoist Tianshou is also very excited. "Nine times out of ten, his medical skills are that he has broken contact with the outside world, but he just doesn’t know how to give them these."
Chapter became a rare peep out one silk smile and looked at Chunyang Road. "Now that Chunyang reality has said that, it is obviously a well-thought-out plan."
Chunyang also nodded directly, "I do have a way to get the news in, but these scattered immortals are often angry and even the elders of the celestial world order us to try not to touch them. Be careful."
Although I don’t have a big backer in the celestial world like the Kunlun Sect, the Emei Sect and the Kongtong Sect are somewhat counted as people in the DPRK, and they have also received such orders.
Zhang became silent and said, "There has been no big movement in San Xian Valley for tens of thousands of years. How many secrets are there in it? We really should be careful."
"What’s your third way to teach real people?" Tianshou has heard that the real-life methods of Chunyang are more determined than each other.
If we say that Xuanning will fight with Wentao or assassinate Wentao, there are still various possibilities. Even if we really fight with Wentao, how sure are we now? After all, no one knows how strong Xuanning is and how strong Wentao is now.

This leads to the fact that if you want to take down Bai Matan on the road, you have to face the driver, the fierce eagle and the Bai Matan people at the same time.

And if you want to wait for Bai Matan to deal with him when he is alone at dusk, you have to consider the problem that the eagle denies the Lord afterwards-if Bai Matan still cooperates with the eagle one moment and the "master" fights with the eagle the next, those difficult detectives will definitely get suspicious.
Kidd thought about how to deal with the eagle and rushed over to check the situation of a white stone.
As soon as he checked, he immediately threw Bai Matan and his eagle aside
Baishi came alone.
Moreover, he didn’t rent a car before, but he wanted to take a taxi to the dusk pavilion, so that even the step of "how to stop the white stone car as naturally as possible on the road" was omitted, which could hardly be more convenient.
In addition, Kidd also knows something about Baishi-before he tried to turn it into Mao Lilan’s photo-checking materials, he also checked a Baishi by the way. Although he can’t pretend to be complete with those materials, he is confident that he can not play goofs in front of strangers.
Kidd didn’t get in that taxi. He found his own car and put Baishi’s few luggage in the co-pilot. Then he got in the car and changed his Baishi coat. He felt that he was lucky today.
It’s a long way from here to the deserted dusk pavilion.
Kidd has been driving for nearly an hour, getting sleepy and a little hungry.
He yawned and wanted to eat something to relieve hunger and pass the time-he remembered that according to the previous investigation, Baishi liked to take some food and magazines with him.
It’s a pity that I can’t enjoy it in the car magazine now, and I can inherit the white stone food
Kidd held the steering wheel in one hand and reached into Baishi’s luggage in the other.
Who knows that it will move before it touches the bag and suddenly catches a furry thing?
He almost drove the car to the curb with a shock. After Kidd stabilized the car, he turned his head and looked at the passenger seat. He saw that Baishi’s luggage had lost a group of cats.
The cat was in repose just now when it was suddenly caught, and suddenly it jumped up and looked at him. For a while, it was very disgusting to pull two hairs and stare at him and slowly lay back.
After lying down for two seconds, it seems that the cat finally recovered and looked up at him with a "meow-ow" tail sound, which sounded like cursing.
Kidd didn’t quarrel with a cat.
He righted the steering wheel and wiped his head with cold sweat. I really didn’t find that there was an extra cat in the car.
The cat was so dark that if it hadn’t happened to pass by the reflector car just now, part of the light would have been reflected in the car, and he might have seen a pair of green eyes floating in the middle …
Kidd is a little scared to think of this. If that happens, he might really put the car into the ditch. People won’t fall to death, but the car will be scrapped easily, so he won’t be able to get to the dusk pavilion in time.
However, with such a Kidd, I was not sleepy at once, and I was scared back by hunger.
He thought for a long time, but he couldn’t remember how the cat mixed up with the car. Later, when he thought about it, he felt that it might have emerged from the white stone bag.
Before investigating the Maori family, Kidd remembered that there was a cat hole in their house. Now it seems that this cat may be a public building cat and was brought out by Baishi.
Going out on a case and bringing a cat …
Think again that Bai Matan Kidd, who brought the eagle, condemned from the bottom of his heart-what’s wrong with these detectives? Are they afraid that they won’t be able to show their strength without an animal assistant?
Kidd took a second look at the co-pilot cat and felt a little troublesome.
But now that I’ve borrowed someone’s identity, I can’t throw someone’s cat out of the car. If the cat’s hands-on ability is not strong, won’t it starve to death?
Fortunately, it looks quite good … Kidd remembered the swearing meow just now and swallowed "easy to get along with" and changed it into a "quiet" word, feeling that he should be able to barely coexist peacefully with the cat.
Anyway, it’s better than Bai Matan, who is particularly fierce and loves to catch eagles-less just now he accidentally touched the cat, which didn’t catch him and scolded him.
Compared with Baishi cat, it’s quite a gentleman. It’s a good cat to say something without doing it.
Kidd barely kept his spirits up by the cat all the way to the dusk near the pavilion.
A few kilometers away, the car lights lit up in front of an old woman and an old man with a travel bag beside a car, looking like a passerby whose car broke down and needed help.
Kidd narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully. He recognized it as Chiyo, a famous easy chair detective.
It is said that she doesn’t need to go out to handle a case, but she can solve the case neatly by sitting in a chair and listening to the client’s story.
Kidd stopped to hit the window for Bai Shiyin and politely asked, "What’s the matter? Is something wrong? "
"Alas … my lovely Fiat baby’s engine has stalled." Chiyoyo pointed to the car behind him and sighed. "Since you are here at this time, you are probably going to the Dusk Pavilion, right? Can you give me a lift?"
"Of course," Kidd looked at her darkly and looked at the car that was said to have stalled. "You can sit in the back seat."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and finally decided to continue.

Although Xiao Chen looks simple and simple, he is actually a nut state spy who was recruited at a prestigious school and trained for three years after graduation. He has performed a lot.
Because of his East Continental appearance, he was sent to get close to Neng Manor a few months ago and has been lurking ever since.
This time, he went as far as possible into the manor to find a valuable goal, preferably with Indigo (Emperor Yi) and then took it away.
What is a valuable goal?
Xiao Chen took a deep breath and drove the car along a road.
He has followed his predecessors into the manor for more than ten times.
The roads in the manor department are strictly marked with different colors.
All freight vehicles should pass through the orange road signs.
After driving past a short road in front, a crossroads appeared in front, in which all colors were labeled as complex as rainbow road signs.
It’s the same direction, but each color label is different.
For example, if you turn left, the orange road sign says "Dongdao Restaurant" and the green one says "Dongdao Forging Gold House".
Forging gold institute? Is it related to rusty gold? Is it with Indigo?
Every time before, he came back to the East Island Restaurant. This time, he decided to move on and see what was in East Island.
So thinking about Xiao Chen, he turned to the east island.
Didn’t stop in front of the East Island restaurant in two steps. Xiao Chen suddenly remembered something. "Right card … card …"
He remembers that his predecessors told him that if the car had to follow him, it would be very troublesome because he had a card.
Are there some radio frequency alarm devices in the manor? Without a card, it will trigger an alarm?
He reached for his predecessor’s chest pocket and rummaged for a long time but couldn’t find it.
"Hey, I remember my predecessors put it here. Why not?"
Forget it. I forgot my card … It should be nothing, right?
Xiao Chen got off the bus.
I took my magic trip.
Chapter 172 The Nelson Leah canteen
Several boxes containing rock salt were moved out of the carriage and put in the cart. Chen pushed the cart forward.
Although I know this job is a cover-up, Xiao Chen is very careful to protect his identity as much as possible.
But every time Chen Dou wondered.
There is a big kitchen and restaurant in the manor, and they often bring some exotic agricultural products from all over the world.
But there is a separate restaurant here in Dongdao. He has delivered it for more than ten times and has never seen anything other than salt.
There are many kinds of salt, such as rock salt, sea salt and volcanic salt.
Do people here eat salt?
He pushed the car forward a few steps and saw a stout man wearing a greasy apron ahead.
This stout man also made Xiao Chen wonder.
This man is not so much a cook as an auto mechanic.
The apron is greasy, not blood and soup, but gasoline and engine oil. He smells like a newly repaired car and doesn’t look like a chef.
"Go ahead" saw his stout man with a wave.
"Hey, wait, why not Lao Wu today?"
"Oh, my predecessors didn’t sleep well last night, and now they are sleeping in the car." Little Chen Dao.
"Oh …" The stout man nodded again. "Go in."
Chen took a deep breath and pushed the car in.
After passing by for more than ten times, he has never entered this canteen. He is very curious.
He forced himself to calmly walk past the heavy man, who suddenly said, "Wait!" "
"What?" Xiao Chen was startled.
"I smell tension and fear …" The stout man frowned at him. "What are you afraid of, young man?"
"Harm … afraid? No! " Xiao Chen got a jump in his heart.
What do you mean, you smell tension and fear?
You can smell this thing?
"Don’t worry, no matter what you hear, it’s false. Our Sunllian people eat everything but don’t eat people!"
"Ah?" Xiao Chen glared at the Sunllian? The name "Nasonia Military Corps" immediately came to his mind.
Wait, I think I found something amazing.
Is it true that the Sunlia Military Corps has something to do with Neng Manor?
Xiao Chen’s heart jumped up even more.
"You see you see I said don’t be afraid! This is all slander! Slander our Sunllian! Let me know who is spreading this rumor and see if I don’t break his head! " The Nasonia chef snapped his thick fingers.
"Ha … ha ha …" Xiao Chen quickly bowed his head and pushed the car into the canteen.
What comes to my face is a more intense mixed smell of various kinds of engine oil, gasoline and diesel oil.
Xiao Chen’s eyebrows wrinkled up immediately.
Next to him, a few stout men came in. "Wow, what’s the pan chef doing today?"
Sweet? Is there something wrong with your nose?
This is called incense?
"Look at yourself! It’s all written! " The chef raised his hand and pointed to a metal plate next to it.

Yunyang way "generally understand what I don’t white fix true boundary refers to? I didn’t understand this when I first heard it. "

Smiling indifferently, he said, "The fix-true realm simply refers to a special area formed by people who practice magic, pursue immortality and pursue strength. By practicing human beings, they can fly like birds and have great power. If they don’t practice with their natural constitution, they will be weak."
"Oh, I see. There must be a lot of people practicing. Does he have any other forces besides these four unique skills?" Looking at him Yunyang curious asked
"naturally, there are not thousands of factions that fix the truth, but some are not famous. I said that the four absolutely is the famous right way to fix the truth. However, what is right is evil. This is an eternal truth. Now I will say something about heterodox.
The most famous heterodox in the realm of heaven, known as the Three Wonders, are the Icefield Thousand Evil Sect and the Nanhai Huolingmen Monty Sect.
It has been more than 700 years since the creation of the thousand evil sects in the ice field, and the unique ice soul tactic in the snow area is famous in the world.
The south China sea fire gate is just the opposite, and the red flame tactic dominates the south China sea.
The Monty Sect in the central part is the strongest. It is said that this Sect has a history of nearly 1,500 years, which is longer than the history of Aoyue Mountain Villa. Among the stunts of Monty Sect, the most popular one is the’ Monty Bite Heart’ and’ Magic God Curse’. "
After listening to Yunyang carefully, he laughed, "You know, a lot of people are much better than me. It’s a pity that it’s getting late. I’ll ask you again if I have another chance."
Smiled and said, "How time flies! It will soon arrive in Jiujiang. Remember to take care. I hope everything will be the same when we meet again."
"Thank you for taking care of yourself, too." As soon as the ship landed in Yunyang, it jumped into the boat and quickly disappeared into the depths of the forest.
Laughing and watching him disappear, he said to himself, "Although this man is not like a person in the fix true world, he is full of vigor, but he is a rare talent. But I am afraid that his life is not going well."
Chapter 1 Aoyue Mountain Villa
Through dozens of mountains and forests, Yunyang came to Qiyunfeng and looked at the magnificent courtyard on the top of the mountain with a smile on his face.
Winding along a mountain road, a moon-watching pavilion halfway up Yunyang slowed down.
At this time, a young man with a sword in the pavilion looked at Yunyang and asked, "I don’t know if you are here to find someone or do something?"
Before Yunyang saluted, "Hello, Swordsman, my name is Yunyang. I’m from a distant place. I have something to find Long Tianxiao, the owner of Shaozhuang in Aoyue Villa. Please help me introduce you. Thank you."
When the young man saw Yunyang’s smile was simple and unpretentious, he said lightly, "Since you are here to find the young villa owner, please come with me."
Lu Yunyang asked curiously, "Excuse me, I wonder if there seems to be no one walking on this road, which is known as the Four Wonders of Heaven."
The young man laughed. "It’s not like a practitioner to see you. Generally, a master who comes here is either arrogant or flying with a sword. Who will be stupid enough to walk?"
Yunyang smell speech giggle two embarrassed scratched his head, but the young man couldn’t help laughing. "Never mind, I’m just saying, there’s nothing to laugh at. What do you mean? It’s almost time for you to come once in a while. You might as well look around more."
Looking around Yunyang carefully, I found that this proud moon villa covers an extremely wide area and almost surrounds the entire Qiyun Peak.
In front of a large martial arts field, twelve teenagers are practicing sword with a silver-clad middle-aged man with beautiful posture and smart moves.
There is a statue of a 1,000-kilo stone lion at the left and right of the gate, and the four golden characters "Aoyue Mountain Villa" are shining brightly, which is both beautiful and terrible.
Looking at all this, Yunyang envied, "What a beautiful place. I have never seen such a luxurious villa. If only I could live here."
The young man who led the way laughed. "It’s not that ordinary people can live here, even if they come here to learn art and practice, they are also excellent teenagers in a thousand. Many people have tried several times and failed."
Yunyang amazing glanced at those young sword practice eyes peep out one silk envy not mouth again.
As the youth walked into the gate, Yunyang was curious to see all the rockeries, fountains, green trees and exotic flowers inside. It was really beautiful, and the small bridge and flowing water, Qionglou Yuyu looked like a fairy, and Yunyang’s eyes were shocked.
Through the corridor Yunyang followed the young man to Tingfengge and saw Long Tianxiao.
Looking at Long Tianxiao Yunyang carefully, I found that he was absolutely beautiful, twenty-four or five years old, with a kind smile on his face and a pair of bright eyes that seemed to see through everything.
Dressed in a sky blue dress with a crescent moon embroidered on her chest, the whole person sitting there is like a golden boy floating out of the dust without a trace of dust.
Listen to the wind pavilion besides Long Tianxiao, there is a middle-aged man with more than forty people dressed as a scribe, and his expression is plain and calm, which makes him very rational.
Yunyang learned from the youth introduction that this is Lu Yuanshan, the manager of Aoyue Villa, who is in charge of everything in Aoyue Villa.
Looking at the two Yunyang heart andao "not the kui is a four-song-a-day such a figure is really rare"
At this time, Long Tianxiao sent away the young man who led the way and asked Yunyang to sit down. "Yun Gong came all the way and didn’t know what to ask me?"
Yunyang glanced around and said, "I am an old man who sent something back. Before he died, he ordered me to give it to you personally, saying that the safety of the sky needs to be cautious."
Long Tianxiao’s eyes slightly changed and he took a look at Liu Yuanshan, the main manager beside him. "There is no stranger here, so please come straight."
Smell speech Yunyang is no longer talkative. "A few days ago, I met a dying old man. He claimed that the Moon Shadow Nine Kings had a stone bead for me to hand over to you and let me tell Shaozhuang to finish it." Then he took it out and gave it to Long Tianxiao.
The right hand trembled and took the stone bead. Dragon Tianxiao’s face was briefly excited, which made Yunyang feel that the stone bead was very important, but he didn’t think much.
Step back Yunyang said, "Now that this thing has been given to you, I have finished it. I promise that I hope you will not disappoint the old man’s wish and leave."
Glanced at Shi Zhulong Tian Xiao’s eyes and smiled. "Yungong has come a long way, so it’s better to stay for two more days. Let’s do our best. If you want to leave like this, then you won’t make people laugh at me for not knowing the hospitality ceremony at Ao Yue Villa."
Smell speech Yunyang don’t "this can’t I come because I promised the old man what I want to do now, and I should go back when things are over. My mother is still looking forward to me."
Long Tianxiao smiled and said, "I’m not busy even when I’m away. I also want to ask you where you met me, which belongs to his current burial place. I want to move his bones back here to bury these things. You should tell me, right?"
Yunyang thought so, so he turned around and sat down to meet the old man. He said it again carefully.
Long Tianxiao took a look at the side of Liu Yuanshan with a strange look. "So this is the case. This time, only your husband and wife know it, so it’s better to know that more people are bad for you. Now it’s getting late. I mean, you stay here for one night and I’ll take you back early in the morning, so there should be no problem."
Yunyang’s face is hesitant, but it is disrespectful to repeatedly shirk the identity of the other party. Don’t you think, "I’ll stay for one night since the villa leader is kind enough to ask for help?"
Chapter 9 Dangerous appearance
Long Tianxiao said, "That’s right. You should have a rest after a long journey. Otherwise, why bother to hurry?" Say that finish whispering a young man in his twenties suddenly appeared with Yunyang to rest.
Watching Yunyang leave Liu Yuanshan asked softly, "There should be no problem with things. Now the key is how are you going to place this Yunyang? Do you want to stay or let him go? This has a big impact on our plan. "
Long Tianxiao said indifferently, "We can’t let him go, especially tonight. We have to be very careful not to make any mistakes. I guess there will be an evil sect master to stop me from planning this tonight. We have to make every effort to make sure that you call me the sixth gentleman of the Moon Shadow in case of loss. In addition, I ordered Yu Sanjun in the villa to take strict precautions tonight. Once the evil sect master is found, he will stop me."
Lu Yuanshan nodded. "I know how to do this. Don’t worry. What about Yunyang? Do you want him to have a good rest now?"
Long Tianxiao shook his head and smiled. "Don’t be impatient. He’s still old, so you’ll understand. By the way, my father has been in Tianxing clause for seven days. Can he make it back tonight?"
Lu Yuanshan said, "As far as I know from the latest news, the owner of the manor has met a woman named Ci Hang Jian Zhai, and the dream mark is leading her to the north, so she won’t be able to make it back tonight."
Oh, Yi Long Tian Xiao stopped asking and listened to Fengge, and it was calm.
After a while, a man in yellow in his thirties came in to listen to the wind pavilion and asked in a low voice, "Young Master, I don’t know if I have something to tell you?"
Long Tianxiao said, "I have one thing for you to keep secret. It’s quick and convenient for you to know it alone. You can take two other people with you. It’s necessary to get things done for me."
Yellow man sink a way "less supervisor ordered six gentleman to go through fire and water"
Long Tianxiao nodded with satisfaction and said to him for a while. Finally, he said, "This matter should be done neatly. No one should know that we are doing it tonight. Be sure to come back for a job before sunset."
Moon shadow six gentleman should turn around and quit listening to the wind pavilion.
Then Lu Yuanshan came back and whispered, "I have arranged things. When are you going to start work?"
Long Tianxiao’s face is serious. "Tonight is a full moon night, and it’s also a day I’ve been calculating for a long time. We must succeed in every move, and we must not make any mistakes, otherwise this proud moon villa will be destroyed. Go and prepare for the sacrifice. When the livestock are ready, come directly to the Fire Temple to find me."
Yunyang was lying in a comfortable big bed in an elegant guest room. He said to himself, "The environment here is so beautiful. When I have money in the future, I will build a villa like this for Huier to live in. She must be very happy. Hehe, the dream feels so good. I wonder when I can realize this wish?"
To himself, Yunyang suddenly heard a slight step and felt an ominous feeling, which became more and more fierce as the step approached.

Come and seek peace of mind.

Secondly, I also hope that my friends can take care of their offspring.
Zhou Jia touched the face thoughtfully.
He also got something.
Qianji compiled his own insights into a thousand computer books, which involved many spiritual practices in the silver realm.
Now as a gift to Zhou Jia.
This is of great benefit to him in perfecting the Seven Xuangong.
Moshanjing nodded
"Brother Dao, the more time we have, the more transparent we are."
Said and turned to Zhou Jia.
"Brother Zhou, do you have any plans?"
"Shi Ding has plunged into the darkness, and now it is very likely that he will still be hiding nearby. Can he not go out in the last two years or not?"
"Yes" Zhou Jia nodded.
"Brother Qianji sent me a thousand copies, which is mysterious and extraordinary. I intend to take the opportunity to close my mind and take a shelter."
Closed again?
Mr. and Mrs. Morse’s opponents can see the words in each other’s eyes at a glance.
They are going to invite Zhou Jia to a small meeting held by several silver colleagues, which seems unnecessary now.
"Zhou Xiong …"
MoShanJing zhang mouth quick way
"Seeking the Tao makes people admire"
"Zhou has no interest in watching and practicing Wudang to kill time." Zhou Jia smiled at the two men and handed them a way.
"not far away"
Watching Zhou Jia leave Moshan Beijing sounds complicated.
"No wonder Zhou Xiong can cultivate sincerity on the avenue in the barren land of the practice road, so he can’t do it?"
"What a pity!"
If Zhou Jia was born in the ancient sacred land, he would be even taller than he is now.
"mortal life is only a hundred years; Even when I wait for silver, there is a time limit. "Mrs. Mo holds her husband’s hand slowly.
"It’s not necessarily a good thing to pursue that slim path with limited life, husband. We don’t have to envy him. We have our own days."
"Yes" Moshanjing looked down at the woman’s eyes with tenderness.
"Everyone has their own way of life. If I have to be as austere as Zhou Xiong, wouldn’t I neglect the beauty in front of me?"
"Go …" Mrs. Mo’s face is full of shyness.
"tease me again"
"Ha ha …"
Mo Shan Jing Lang smiled.
Judging from the visit, there is something wrong with Qianji. The breath fluctuates greatly and the mood is not as stable as it seems
But this Monday,
He didn’t come to Luan to fall into the city to get ahead, let alone get into trouble.
It is talk.an excellent idea to cultivate and improve the practice honestly and find a way to start with the medicine of prolonging life on this basis.
Keep closing!
For others, Zhou Jia’s practice is hard to understand. It’s simply that he doesn’t know how to enjoy life and make himself suffer.
However, in Zhou Jia’s view, it is the real enjoyment to constantly improve and strengthen oneself through conscious imagination.
Watch yourself get stronger little by little.
The collision of consciousness becomes more active.
Experience the secrets of martial arts, source arts and achievement methods
It’s a pleasure in the world!
On the contrary, drinking music, laughing and cursing, and listening to music are the real consumption of life.
Different ideas are hard to understand.

After all, it is still necessary to have some sense of ceremony for the welcome dinner.

Thea doesn’t have a bathroom, but sits in an outer chair through the screen. Thea, the assistant consul of Surdak Ruite City, has been in contact with Ruite City Government for a long time. She seems to have a natural talent for managing politics, but she manages Ruite City Government in an orderly way.
But! Speaking of which, there are not many things that need her to make a decision.
But Thea is also his spokesperson for Ruite City. Some things are better for Thea to solve than Hathaway and Beatrice.
Surdak, there is always unrest in Ruite, and nobles will jump out and say something difficult to Thea. It’s nothing. If you say something difficult to Hathaway and Beatrice, the problem may be more serious.
Nowadays, all walks of life in Ganbu are steaming days, especially for the whole Bena province. Because you can enjoy the collapsed style near the southernmost town of Bansk, you can also see the mermaid show while swimming in the plateau Belanoma Lake in the marginal canyon town of the world. At present, traveling to Ganbu has almost become a new fashion for the nobles in Bena province.
When Hathaway wiped Surdak’s back, she found that the scars on his back caused by burns were almost invisible. The dark purple bruises on his skin were almost scattered, and some delicate pores were wrapped in strong tendons, showing a milky white marble color.
"Your scars seem so pale that you can’t see them. All the scabs seem to have melted. Did the holy light remove the scars?"
Hathaway asked, sipping her lips. She could hardly keep her eyes off Surdak.
If Thea hadn’t sat outside through the screen, she thought she might have done something crazier.
Surdak closed his eyes to relax his body. He really wanted Hathaway to bring him a glass of cider and some nuts.
Hathaway carefully looked at Surdak to eliminate scar skin …
Hearing Hathaway say this, Thea couldn’t help glancing at the probe from outside the screen.
I don’t know how many times Suldak has seen the scar before Thea.
She found that Hathaway was right, and Suldak’s old scars were almost gone, so she stared and cried
"If only we could melt the power of the holy light into the water, we would put these bath water into some beautiful perfume bottles and sell them at a good price."
At present, this Janna mermaid does a lot of tourism business in Ruite City, and the whole dry cloth plane belongs to monopoly nature, while the skin care business is all over Bena Province, and it also belongs to the ladies who are in short supply. The order was almost postponed until the winter of next year, mainly because her two partners are very background-Hathaway and Beatrice, the Lord of dry cloth plane, Countess Sudak.
Surdak felt that Thea should have earned a lot of money recently, so he asked
"Thea, are you short of money? Isn’t your magic skin care business very good? "
"Yes, broaden a business route. Who will have too much money?" Thea simply slipped into the bathroom with the maids.
Surdak felt that after becoming a nobleman, it seemed that privacy would never be finished.
He can cover his face with a warm and wet towel.
"Speaking of which, what happened to your mermaid rescue plan?" Surdak also asks what comes to mind …
Thea patted her white forehead and said, "Ah, even if you don’t ask me, I have to say this! Lake Belanoma in Saynoman Plateau may be a little small for me to save those ethnic groups. Is there a bigger lake in Warsaw? Maybe you can form an army of Naga warriors to help you station rivers and lakes. "
Surdak slightly zheng thought of Moyunling Highland, which is really a lake. It’s really a little bit for the evil spirits corps if an Janna army can be stationed there, but it’s not affordable for him to think of transporting these Janna clans all the way so that I don’t know how many crimes he will suffer along the way …
So he said, "it’s true, but it may be a little difficult to transport them there. You can’t pull them in a bathtub!"
Unexpectedly, Thea immediately cried, "Why not? How do you think my people were transported to Bena? "
"Hey, you can’t be serious!" Surdak tore off a hot towel and turned to look at the wall, Thea.
"You think I’m joking?" Thea smiled proudly …
As a Janna marine, when she was still in a long body for more than a year, I didn’t see Sylvia grow much taller, even taller than Hathaway. Her face has become more demon than before, but she belongs to a girl who is pure and hasn’t shed her face and painted a little light makeup. Her eyes are quite smart.
Beatrice came in from the outside with two maids, holding aristocratic gifts and shoes in their hands …
After dinner carefully prepared by Lady Marianne, Marquis Lu Se was going to talk to Surdak about Warsaw plane, but Lady Marianne’s eyes stopped her.
Although the Marquis of Lu Se is unwilling, he can still wave his hand. Gensoul Duck and Hathaway leave them.
Lady Marianne picked up Venter from the maid’s arms and turned to leave the restaurant from the other side arch …
The news of Surdak’s return from Warsaw almost spread all over the aristocratic circle of Bena City overnight.
Visiting Surdak nobles from noon to Marquis House increased.
Everyone came to visit Surdak in order to buy the unidentified dark crystal and the aristocratic lords wanted to participate in the plane war. Everyone knew that Surdak had made a fortune in the battlefield and wanted to get to know this young marked commander at this time.
Now Surdak has become the most popular corps commander in Bena.
Even some nobles want to join the marked army with the Lord army.
However, at this time, Surdak had no reason to let them come together to pick fruits, but it still suggested that the battle situation in Moyunling Highland was more dangerous. However, this kind of rhetoric obviously dissuaded these noble lords. Later, Surdak got tired of saying it and simply told the horror of reinforcements in Handanar City.
Noble lords discovered that this cake was really not good at all …
Besides, there is the Marquis of Lu Se behind Surdak, and the nobles who want to go to Moyunling Highland to mix some merits have dismissed the idea.
Of course, in addition to these noble lords who came to pick fruit, some nobles simply wanted to buy some unidentified dark magic crystals.
For these nobles who want to buy dark magic crystals, Surdak did not say anything. He came back from Warsaw this time and brought back a batch of dark magic crystals. At this time, of course, he took them out very readily and sold them to these visiting nobles at the market price.
Chapter 1571 Relatives
Now that Surdak has come to Bena, he will visit Beatrice’s father, Count Godfrey.
Beatrice was naturally particularly worried when she heard about this. At noon, they took a magic caravan and walked west from the Marquis de Lu Se along the aristocratic block. Although it is also a luxurious aristocratic manor, it is still a long way from the Marquis de Lu Se.
Beatrice leaned against Surdak’s arms in the magic van carriage and smiled at Surdak, telling him that his brother Harvey had changed in recent two years.
At present, the leather-making workshop run by Harvey Gefeile Bena City mainly processes the hard nail skin of red ant with ghost pattern, and the business is very good.
The Gofeller family has come out of the trough and can hardly maintain the dignity of an old noble. It is said that Harvey is also planning to buy back the family territory recently. Unfortunately, those lands have been sold for decades, and the other party is not short of money and has no idea of selling them.
The magic caravan drove into the tree-lined old manor. Surdak found that not only the gate of the manor was repainted, but also the main road from the gate to the mansion was repaved with stone slabs. After the vestibule gardens on both sides of the road were carefully trimmed, Gensoul Dadak felt the garden art with a sense of the times.
The manor house has also been renovated, although it is not an overhaul, but some broken bricks have been repaired, and even cracks have been outlined by cement, and the red tiles on the roof have been replaced with new ones.
When the magic caravan stopped at the entrance of the mansion, a housekeeper knocked on the door of the carriage from the outside, and Harvey was right in front of the crowd on the steps of a group of young nobles and servants.
Surdak and Beatrice came out of the carriage and hugged Harvey respectively, and then Harvey introduced him to Surdak. Almost all these young nobles around him were members of the Gofeller family, some of whom were Harvey’s cousins, all of whom were small nobles, while others were just knights.
When they saw Surdak, they all showed curious eyes.
Surdak remembered that when he married Beatrice, he didn’t know that the Gofellers had so many relatives.
Harvey is fat, and his belly is bulging.
"Welcome back …"
Harvey said to Surdak with a smile and then introduced these relatives behind him to Surdak.
Surdak was dizzy, but no one cared about it.
Take the steps to see Count Godfrey in front of the residence gate. Surdak hurriedly took two steps to pull Beatrice to the Count Godfrey and gave him a military salute.

"It doesn’t look good"

"Belief in the earth is easy to achieve" Chen Yi found a good excuse. He already knows that it is the most difficult to get God’s approval in the western continent. Unless it is Pang Dake’s family, all members must be "loyal to the temple" first, otherwise, except for a few small temples, the sacrificial roots will not qualify you for the ceremony.
The fact is that only a few people can be recognized when a ceremony is held. Because the number of temples that can hold a ceremony is small and the number of ceremonies can only be held once in several years, the more people attend the ceremony in templo mayor, but a very small number of them can be recognized by the "God". They are usually young people who have adhered to their beliefs since childhood.
For example, Yin Senyong, from the moment he was born in the family, was chosen by the clan leaders as "compassion", "match words with deeds", "loyalty to the temple", "humility", "honesty" and "keeping the oath", but after so long social practice, "honesty" and "humility" are already in jeopardy, "justice" has never been chosen, so he is not in the preparatory belief. His age and fighting skill level need to participate in the ceremony, and the fighting skill level is one or two less. They all violate that "God" will definitely not be recognized. On the contrary, if they pass the recognition and get the "magic", their magic power is also proportional to their beliefs. The more they resist the temptation, the stronger their will will will be, and the stronger their strength will be. Occasionally, they will reduce their magic power.
This is the first step of becoming a knight or paladin. If knights want to constantly strengthen their faith in some wealthy families, they will scroll tens of thousands of gold coins at one time to win the recognition of "loyalty to the temple" and go to the rich kingdom …
The more Yin Senyong introduces Chen Yi, the more he regrets that he almost wants to cry at the end.
Chen Yi understands that he patted him on the shoulder and said, "I understand that a big family is responsible. We are the pillar of the world and the leader of mankind, although we enjoy life occasionally …"
"You are absolutely right, Lord!" Yin Senyong’s word "Lord" is sincere.
If I set my eyes over there pretending to be disgusting, I thought I wouldn’t dare to say such a thing if I untied my visa in the temple. Well, I should learn.
Yin Senyong finally decided on Christianity, or more precisely, Vatican Catholicism. Chen Yi took this opportunity to go abroad and asked the school to apply for a visa. By the way, he handed out the ID cards of Naked Bear, Alvin and Liu Xinyu. Liu Xinyu was worried about leaving her in the country, and she was like an untrained German shepherd.
Of course, the school won’t be so accommodating to other students, but since it’s Chen Yi’s office teacher, it’s just like helping. After two or three trips, the school finally entrusted the travel agency to seal the expenses. When Vice President Lu Weidong saw Chen Yi again, he consciously straightened up and smiled and handed out his passport and asked, "Chen Yi, are you going to go to the Vatican from the United States or from the country first?" We’ll help you book air tickets. The semester is almost over, and there are still some classics that should be enough for first class, but it’s not easy to book first class if everyone goes together. "
"I bought Jiangluhang A319" Chen Yi smiled.
"Ha ha, that’s good, that’s good." Lu Weidong’s waist is bent again. Today, the most awesome flight mode in China is charter flight. If it weren’t for the fact that Taiwan Province compatriots need charter flights, how could people in China know that planes can still sit on private jets like this? The most arrogant bosses are still subject to various restrictions, even though they have moved to buy planes … It is certain that if there is a train to take from China to the United States, the school will definitely save money. This is one of the reasons why China scholars don’t like going to Moscow to attend meetings.
"Let’s make an appointment to meet at Cornell University."
"How about a good weekend?"
"Ok, I’ll go on first." Chen Yi pointed to the brain screen where he was writing an outline with an intellectual scroll. It’s not easy for students to go to America on business.
"Natural" Lu Weidong’s head is not so humble even in the face of the principal.
In the next few days, Yin Senyong and Ruding’s monk family played and talked nonsense. Liu Xinyu and Jin Douna were busy adjusting the rhythm of Chen’s martial arts department. Fang Zhong accepted the new equipment because Chen’s hypermarket was successfully transported and further recognized by Chen Yi.
Although in Fang Zhong’s view, Chen Yi’s request to buy all kinds of equipment is messy and worthless, he still set up a special department here and recruited several people to supplement it, thus purchasing all kinds of construction machinery including lumberjacks, cutting machines and rubber cutters in a short time, and setting up a "martial arts school bulletin" to make two sets of newspaper equipment …
A leader hopes that the more people there are, the better. The bigger the team, the higher the leadership value, which means that the strength will increase. Chen Yi saw Fang Zhong’s quiet expansion, but he acquiesced that other banks are more concealed and more convenient.
The actual Fang Zhong didn’t know that he would have more than a lot of profits in the future by setting up a small department, and most of these forces could have been left in his hands.
Chen Yi hurried to the western mainland to transport new supplies in place and recovered 13 water and land goddesses left in the subway. It turns out that the subway things can be left behind, and there is no problem in life from the residual bacteria in the water and land goddesses.
When I went to Cornell University without summarizing all kinds of information, Chen Yi took Liu Xinyu’s naked bear Alvin and Fang Zhong to charter a flight to Jianglu Airlines.
A319 is a shortened version of A32, which is much bigger than a private jet. If the airline adopts a high-density layout, A319 can take 14 economy class passengers or more than 6 tons of cargo. Those people praise the large bomber as having the same weight.
After careful arrangement and decoration, such a large plane is less than a three-star hotel suite. In Chen Yi’s view, there is nothing wrong with it except that the office area is too large.
Naked bear and Cao Zheng are both going abroad for the first time, and their eyes are wide open when they think of long-distance travel and beautiful sister.
Liu Xinyu smiled strangely and watched two students get up and pour themselves a glass of wine, then took off their high heels and stepped barefoot on the carpet stockings to shine in front of Chen Yi.
At this time, I saw two tall girls coming from the back cabin and asked the four people what they needed.
Chen Yi found that Liu Xinyu’s figure was even higher than that of carefully selected passengers. She couldn’t help but get up and ask, "How tall are you?"
The girl who was pouring tea for him was frightened by his domineering rise and movement. Pisces will affect people’s mental state. She should have been generous and worried that she would say "one meter seven two"
Chen Yi was in distress situation, but she didn’t ask Liu Xinyu visually that the latter was about several centimeters higher. It should be said that it made several men eager to climb the peak, which affected the usual height calculation. Obviously, they were non-standard.
Miss escaped and ran away. Alvin was eager to ask, "Boss, if you didn’t look at me, wouldn’t you?"
"Call Master" Liu Xinyu gave him an angry stare. Since he got off the plane, he and Naked Bear have been searching for Sister Ying, and now they finally see the skin and take it off.

Zhuang is not far away. Is it worth it?

But in the end, he couldn’t ask anything, and all his thoughts turned into a sigh.
The lives of farmers are cheap, and the lives of the poor are cheap!
Three farmers in the corner of the tent took a quarter of a cube of sugar in turn.
One for each person and one for the rest is still in the hands of the farmer leader.
Three people gawk at the remaining piece of sugar cube and suddenly cry.
Chapter 633 You’ve humiliated the bandits.
See a line of three people not far from the tent village can’t help but sigh.
In the state, with the development of society, the real poverty has been very few, which has been forgotten by the public. However, in the era of exile, this chaotic poverty, struggle and pain are inherently lingering.
It was impossible to imagine in Zhuang’s recent concept that he risked his life by buying a few cubes of sugar.
But even Lao Bang feels that this kind of thing is perfectly normal.
"If you may starve to death at any time, your life will be worth only one meal. Can a cube of sugar be exchanged for one day’s rations? He can live for two days without eating. He earned more than three dollars."
Not far from Zhuang, I realized that life can be calculated like this.
It turns out that people in the exile era can see as far as they can whether they can eat enough or starve to death.
The day after tomorrow? Future?
If you are too extravagant, you must think so much.
Not far from Zhuang’s fantasy, people in the era of exile are driving mechanical giant dogs, sailboats and carriages to wander in the era of exile, exploring life with bitterness, joy, discovery and unknown fear, just like fantasy novel wrote.
But in fact, in the era of exile, various means of transportation are much rarer than the earth. People like Lao Bang, who can drive mechanical giant dogs across the universe, are probably able to run around the city with super-running.
In the era of exile, most people were long and naked in the abandoned and broken ruins, struggling for fragments or crouching in chains in the war giant dogs, and the debris lay prostrate in the mezzanine less than one meter high at the bottom of the ship.
This understanding has a great impact on Zhuang’s thoughts. The era of exile is like an era of flattening the earth, taking away complex and multidimensional identities, status, wealth, power and influence, and turning it into a flat hierarchical structure.
Simple to cruel
Maybe this is the truth of the world and we live in an empty dream.
Not far from Zhuang, he lost himself in thought playing with a sugar cube and listening to the sound of the old banging hammer.
Just then, not far from Zhuang, I heard a few ferocious roars from outside.
"That’s where the magic cubes are sold!"
"Hey, did you just come out of it!"
"Take out that little cube!"
"Dare to resist? Do you want to eat a knife?"
After this loud roar, it is weak and low-sounding.
"Hand it over, don’t dirty the old knife!"

A group of people followed Captain Huang, including me, a total of seven people. We got together because we were optimistic about Captain Huang, and people still had some conscience in their hearts. They all planned to die hard with aliens and have a good time.

Captain Huang said that there is no hope anyway, so it is better to fight with ghosts … I know many people call aliens ghosts, but it is the first time that I have heard from people face to face, including Captain Huang.
Then there’s the mad dog in Li Wenzhe. He’s been like that since I came. No one is with him, but the mad dog is very talkative and just persuaded Wu Songyan to become a small gang.
Later, I also figured it out that Wu Songyan, who is as selfish as Li Wenzhe, is quite right to divide human polymers.
There are four other people who have formed a small gang. They don’t join us or ask Li Wenzhe what they think, and they don’t say anything. It took me a long time to know that the four of them planned with Li Wenzhe, but they didn’t want to hang out with Li Wenzhe before they formed a small gang.
It’s really sad to think about it now. The aliens haven’t called yet, so we started to fight. But is it possible that Li Wenzhe’s mad dog won’t fight? To put it bluntly, who is not afraid of being shot in the back?
Chapter 3, the first article (3)
After the break-up, captain Huang took the lead in collecting weapons and ammunition for several of us to prepare for the supply of aliens and get the scope.
The other two groups didn’t grab weapons and ammunition from us, but they fought for supplies so badly that they all wanted to save more food and drink for themselves.
At that time, Captain Huang didn’t say anything. Later, he said that aliens were coming, and it wouldn’t matter if there were any more supplies. When we thought about it, we left one day for everyone and left them for the two groups.
Everyone, this argument is a complete break. Everyone’s mood is not good … The comrades around me are very bad. Forget about Li Wenzhe. Even if he loves that kind of person, he will die early. I couldn’t figure out if I was blind before. He has always been a good person.
It took me a long time to think that it’s not that I’m blind, but that this kind of person can play and pretend to fool everyone. If it weren’t for this, he would still pretend to be with us. Otherwise, how can we say that life is like a play? He must be the kind of person who didn’t play the film from beginning to end.
See these words yip hon heart straight worry what’s wrong with this guy at this time can also think so much?
It’s been a long time since I thought about writing in vain. It’s strange that I was nervous at the beginning and didn’t add a few words to it.
This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that people who know better are in a bad mood at that time, and the disadvantage is that the plot is broken and they are distracted when watching it.
Yip hon skipped a few lines and continued to read the diary. See Lu Peng wrote.
The atmosphere here is really tragic, and everyone is holding back a strong energy, but if the aliens don’t come and wait, they still can’t get to their hearts, and their determination is shaken.
I waited for more than an hour. The aliens finally arrived. My first reaction was to take a closer look at what they looked like, and then I found that aliens were not as wonderful as those in science fiction movies. The most striking feature was that they were tall and thin, with their knees facing back like birds …
See here yip hon can’t help but sigh.
When the first fleet expedition to Jupiter, human beings knew little about aliens. Later, when human beings got the bodies of aliens, they found that the knees of aliens were bent forward just like human beings.
But why does Lu Peng have this illusion? That’s because aliens have one more leg than humans!
Their thigh bones are very short, but their muscles are very developed. After wearing armor, their abdomen looks like a pelvis protruding, which is mistaken for pelvis in most cases.
The part where aliens are equivalent to human thighs is actually that their calves are reversed, and their knees are actually part of ankle and ankle bones, which have been elongated in evolution to form alien "calves"
To put it more intuitively, the lower legs of aliens are actually "heels", and their feet are actually forefoot and toes.
Of course, this is to analyze the alien body structure with human habits, which is not scientific at all, and there is no need to put the human skeleton structure on the alien body
Yip hon continue to look Lu Peng wrote
They had surrounded the landing craft for a long time, but they didn’t stir up. As soon as they came out, they surrounded the landing craft three floors inside and three floors outside. At that time, my only feeling was that there was a disaster and it was difficult to fly.
When the aliens didn’t come, I had a lot of thoughts in my heart. When the aliens did come, I really didn’t have any thoughts. I was bent on fighting the enemy.
Captain Huang said that we are soldiers anyway. Do we have the face to live when we fall into the hands of aliens? In this situation, this situation is the best result.
I would like to add that there were no superfluous thoughts in my mind at that time, but I really thought that dying in battle was probably the last honor for us people.
When we were ready to work hard, Li Wenzhe and them didn’t move like nothing happened, and so did the four runners.
The aliens were cautious, but they kept shrinking the encirclement, and soon it was not far from the landing craft. We were all nervous, and so was Captain Huang, but he kept saying, let’s just hold our horses, bring the enemy closer, and then kill one, and both of them will earn one. That tone is very similar to the old way of playing ghosts, and I can still remember him now.
It was not until the enemy went more than 50 meters away that Captain Huang fired the first shot, and then several of us caught fire together and knocked down an enemy. I killed three less.
Aliens move fast, but they don’t seem to know how to lie down or his tactics. As soon as the gun is fired, they all fly in a mess, and the buzzing all over the sky makes people upset.
They were very fast. We tried to shoot but missed several targets.
The six men in the back kept still, and Captain Huang JiYan questioned them about what they wanted to do. I could see that Captain Huang wanted to shoot them, but he didn’t pull out his hand until the end.
The enemy’s offensive was very fierce, and at the same time, they attacked from the ground and sky. Our weak firepower could not stop the enemy, and soon they jumped on the landing craft.
We are not enemies at all, and we haven’t even struggled to death.
At the critical moment, captain Huang rushed to the explosive bag to prepare some explosives and died with the enemy, but nothing happened after starting the detonator.
Later, we learned that it was Li Wenzhe who took advantage of the chaos to dismantle the detonator and reassemble it, and could not come.
I always thought that if Li Wenzhe knew what happened later, would he have survived and removed the detonator?
Before we found out the truth, the enemy removed the top cover of the landing craft. Captain Huang rushed out with a pile of grenades and exploded with aliens desperately. After Captain Huang seriously injured the aliens, few of them died.
There are so many of them that they can’t fight to death.
We were all desperate. At this time, the four men rushed out while we and the aliens were desperately trying. Li Wenzhe froze and ran out, and the six men ran in different directions while throwing grenades.